I appreciate you sharing your thoughts-in-progress. I've been thinking a lot recently about what loneliness is for me, and so it's nice to see someone else also work through it.

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I agree with the uncertainty. Maybe it's also that we have so much uncertainty in our professional lives/career and future prospects that even our relationships feel uncertain and hence the loneliness. At least, that's it for me. I don't know where or which country I'll be in, and when I can visit India again, see my friends and that puts a deadline on relationships... And then whatever you said about uncertainty of love.

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Pointedly poignant. Loved the honesty in it. Thanks!

I think it's really a great point on delineating the two. Technology is just a way it seems clearer right? Like an another piece of evidence for whatever someone is going through.

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It's so well written. Thank you for this!

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Welcome back and thank you for coming back. Love the notes on loneliness and (it's unrelatedness to) technology. ❤️

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